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Predicting the regulatory role of CRP transcription factor in Escherichia coli. This work uses an optimal feature selection method to identify 12 informative features of CRP-binding sites in cooperation with a support vector machine. PredCRP achieved training and test accuracy of 0.98 and 0.93, respectively. This work screened and identified 23 previously unobserved regulatory interactions in Escherichia coli. PredCRP predicted the regulatory roles of CRP acting on the 23 sites and achieved test accuracy of 0.96 according to quantitative PCR validation.

Setup and Data Format

On Unix systems, type make to build the svm-scale and svm-predictprograms.
The format of input csv file has 4 columns:

Each line contains an instance and is ended by a ā€˜\nā€™ character.

Usage of

Usage: perl [Options]  
	-i            FILE: input CRP binding site information.  
	-svmscale     pathname: set svm-scale executable path and name (Default: svm-scale is in the same folder).  
	-svmpredict   pathname: set svm-predict executable path and name (Default: svm-scale is in the same folder).  
	-model        pathname: set PredCRP_model path and name (Default: PredCRP_model is in the same folder).  
	-h, -help

Usage of ===========================================

Usage: perl [Options]  
	-input		[FILE] The BindingSitesSet.txt download from RegulonDB.  
	-TF		[STR]	The interested TF (Ex: CRP).  
	-evidence	[No]	Evidence level (0:Weak, 1:Strong, 2:Both).  
	-length		[No]	10bp+BindingSites+10bp (Ex: The length of CRP is 42 (10 + 22 + 10) ).  
	-h		Show the usage.  

Running 23 weak-evidence data


Citing PredCRP

PredCRP: predicting and analysing the regulatory roles of CRP from its binding sites in Escherichia coli. Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 951 (2018) [PMID:2934372]